The average delivery preparation degree of the partners, before the TSB lessons,
is 1.7 with standard deviation by 0.8, and after the lessons is 4.0
with standard deviation by 0.8.
Even the average appreciation degree of the partners is very high:
94.7% of the partners interviewed have chosen values between 4 and 5.
The help by the partners becomes crucial to face the moment of delivery,
as shown by the analysis of the TSB experimental sample.According to women, the presence and functional help of the partners has been
very important and corresponds to an average value of 9,54.
It is worth noting that 98% of women would like the partners to help
also in the second delivery.
The partners themselves have given a positive evaluation of their role during
delivery, expressing an average utility of 8,29.
The success of the TSB training program is proven by the fact that 98% of women
and 98% of partners would attend again the TSB course in case of another delivery.
The success of the TSB training program is proven by the fact that 98% of women
and 98% of partners would attend again the MM course in case of another delivery.